Micro Habit Challenge 2.0

Hold on – this is a tough one! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I already introduced you to the concept of the micro habit challenge a few weeks ago. The last time I challenged myself with three new habits, this time it is only one: I donโ€™t want to drink caffeine for one week.

This might sound like an easy challenge, but for me as a “coffee person” this is definitely a serious task.

Why do I want to reduce my coffee consume?

  1. I have noticed that the monkey in my head breaks free after too much coffee. Sometimes I canโ€™t even focus on household chores like washing the dishes.
  2. Usually I have a strong coffee in the morning. It puts me instantly in a good mood but it can instanly switch into anxiety – especially if I have a lot of tasks on my to-do-list. Sometimes I even get passive aggressive.
  3. My monkey mind hinders me from going to sleep at times. And I suspect that there is a relation to my consumption of caffeine.

Caffeine acts as a serious central nervous system stimulant. As soon as it reaches our brain it puts our body in a state of alertness – we might feel more awake and our heartrate is increasing. At least for a certain time this might be useful, but when the caffeine level drops, we are even more tired than before and our body wants more coffee to function properly.

Of course – probably there are other causes of these issues, but I believe that caffeine has a massive impact on my psyche. And because I like to adopt brutal measures I decided to cancel all sorts of caffeine (coffee, mate, green tea, guarana, energy drink,…) from now on for one week and see how it goes.

What happened so far?

Today is actually already day four of my challenge. I want to continue until the weekend with this challenge. So far I already feel the positive side effects of my cold withdrawal: I was in a better mood today. My midday low was not that heavy and my mood didnโ€™t drop to the bottom in the afternoon as it every so often does. And: It is nearly 10 pm and Iโ€™m sitting here writing this post with somewhat clarity and calmness.

I keep you updated by the end of the week…




3 thoughts on “Micro Habit Challenge 2.0

  1. Hi Uli, I found interesting to read your life experience, must say I have what to learn from you also what to share with you. Recommended to search good healthy alternatives always when you stop doing something or drinking and eating. Is important to replace it almost always. Thanks for sharing your fighting. ๐Ÿ™‚ be happy!

    1. Hey Constantin, thank you for participating ๐Ÿ™‚ That motivates me to keep writing! Thanks very much! I can also learn and already learned from your way of living and your positivity. I want to apply much more of my learnings in my every day life. I hope to see you again! ๐Ÿ™‚ Keep growing!

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