My Inner Critic Lives in The Future

My inner critic lives in the future.

I can’t see him here.

Recently I’ve finished my inner critic micro habit challenge and I still owe you (and me) a conclusion.

How can I continue the conversation with my critic in a constructive way? This was kind of the question that arose towards the end of the challenge a week ago.

The short answer: There is no such thing like a ‘constructive conversation’ with my inner critic, because the critical voice is not productive by any means.

What has happened since then?

Honestly, this past week has been a crazy ride. Now that I’m typing I want to use the time to sum up what’s happening, because I witness that this week has been big for a lot of us.

To me it feels like a huge energy wave is rolling over us all – business closures, new beginnings, re-inventions, death and rebirth. This seems to be the pattern for a lot of us right now – if we are aware of it or not.

I’m sure, whoever is reading this, agrees: We live in wild times right now.

So, apparently I had started the inner critic challenge at a crucial point in my personal and professional development. I can witness a huge shift in consciousness within myself and others – and this seems to reflect in the material world.

More details about that will be revealed over time and most likely, in one way or another be shared on this blog.

All of a sudden – I’d say exhilarating – possibilities come floating (that’s the word that comes up – again) into my life.

Again, I’m learning that things do fall into place if I let them. I have worked freakin’ hard over these past couple of months – that’s partly what made me start the challenge, because I realized that my inner critic is not really, mmmh, let’s say… productive?!

And yes… Now I know: My inner critic is not here to be productive. He is here to warn me – and, to be honest, that’s an euphemism!

Actually I can’t really find any use of the inner critic apart from criticizing ‘unfoundedly’.

As I mentioned in my previous post: The critical voice doesn’t live in the present moment.

If I want to be the best version of myself, I better be present now. That’s where the magic happens.

So, what could be a takeaway from this challenge?

Raising awareness for the internal voices has helped me to see my own potential and my own value much clearer.

My critic doesn’t appear to me like someone to have constructive conversations with. It’s more like an invisible twin, a voice that immediately mutes as soon as I center myself.

Also: The critic does not really leave room for play. That’s something I identified as part of my mission on this earth. To play, spread lightness and eliminate pain.

So, all I can do is to cultivate more awareness and a nurturing environment for my ‘productive’ self, which is the spark of energy that lives in my physical body.


Wisdom is Nothing to Achieve

It can’t be learned. It is inherited.
It’s hidden in the within and in the inbetween.
It can only be cultivated in silence and harvested in devotion.


Can I Turn Towards my Inner Critic With Compassion?

Okay, the first 10 days of the challenge are already over and I have to say: again this investigation exceeded my expectations. And, again, it led to profound insights into my mind. 

I could reveal some fundamental misconceptions that consume my energy to an unhealthy extent! Indeed, my inner critic plays a crucial role in my productivity, but not the role I assigned to him.

What I got wrong all this time was my assumption that my inner critic is working in my favor. The idea that he (in my perception it’s a male voice, ha! another hint) has my highest interests in mind. 

I obviously fell for another productivity trap. There is definitely a lot to debunk here… So, what are my major insights for now?

  1. The critic is only in my head. 
  2. The critic does want something, but not necessarily what I want.
  3. My inner critic refrains from constructive collaboration. 

Let’s dive a little deeper on these points. The first thing that I revealed is that the critic is solely a construct of my mind. As soon as I move my attention into my physical body the critic is gone. I have tried to chase him down, but there was no trace in my limbs or my internal organs. This little shift in attention already disempowered the inner critic to an invaluable extent.

Secondly: The inner critic definitely does not have my highest interests in mind. That clarifies: my mind definitely does not work in my favor either, which is not necessarily news for me. I would go a step further: Initially I wanted to use this challenge to boost my productivity. Remember, I wanted to act! But what I found out was that I don’t have most of the desires my inner critic is assuming. A lot of times there is nothing to do – which gives me more time to relax. This, again, reinvigorates my nervous system and enables me to act more self-empowered.

Now to the third point: Generally I consider myself as someone who is able to take criticism. Yes, because I already criticize myself to a level that no one else can meet. t’s really difficult to find something I haven’t already told myself… But what the inner critic is holding me back from is having a constructive conversation with myself. 

So, my whole predicament became much clearer. The question now is not “Can I mute my inner critic?” but “Can I meet my inner critic with compassion?”. 

These ten days already gave me another level of self-awareness. New seeds of compassion have been planted. In a couple of days I will give another update – and maybe some sort of conclusion how to proceed with the conversation.


Can I Mute my Inner Critic?

Who saw that coming?

I didn’t. (POV: Shouldn’t growthbuddy be a grown-up by now?)

I proudly announce: My next (5th?) Micro Habit Challenge, a two-week growth experiment.

It’s been a while, yes.

And it’s been a while since I really dove deep here on this blog. It doesn’t mean that I did not dive deep in my real life. Actually it’s the opposite.

This year has been transformative beyond measure. And I have the feeling that it will finish that way too… There has been not a single day without breakthroughs this year.

  • I found love inside of myself. The love for the guru. (I will speak about that in further posts.)
  • I have found my truth amidst emotional turmoil and chaos – again and again – and yet:
  • I have lost myself to an extent that I can’t recall from my previous iterations of change. (Spoiler: It’s the good kind of lost.)
  • I have found my tribe, a new tribe I did not see coming in this lifetime (which excites me and increases my anxiousness at times, because now I have no excuses anymore to hide myself in the closet.).
  • Last but not least: I have received a blessing from His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India, which literally brought me to my knees and allowed me to enter the most humbling healing journey of my life.

Something has shifted this year. In a big way. And this big shift caused my self sabotage system to flare. The void has gotten very dark, the unknown inexhaustibly vast. My ego simply can’t handle it anymore, haha.

Wow, the conditionings are way more powerful than I have imagined!! I really bought into the narrative… “Just one more cource, one more training and then I’m there.” A yoga teacher training (to be really precise, my second yoga teacher training), the successful finishing of my professional coaching training end of last year, the starting of tibetan buddhism studies, the fulfillment of my dream to go back to my precious India this year… All of it – did not beat my limiting beliefs. It did not mute – or find any fruitful connection my inner critic (at least not that I’m aware of). It did not change the narrative that I’m still holding on to so tightly (and lovingly?).

Actually my self doubts are bigger than ever before. Haha, you wonder why?

Because now is the time to put things into action. I literally can’t contain all the knowledge anymore. It’s spilling out of my ears. (Not sure if this is an English term. It’s a German one.). I have to put ‘my work’ into practice, get myself “out there” in order to move on – while (while and not despite) I am in constant transformation… I don’t think I will ever be ready. So. The time is now! NOW I’m ready!

This is probably the biggest realization of this year so far: There is no end to it. I will keep transforming. We all do. And that’s absolutely astonishing and, in my opinion, it’s actually really good news: We are changing!! Hurrayy!

“You are more than ready. You have the knowledge. You have the experience. You have what it takes to show up,” a friend and coaching buddy recently pointed out too me.

Only one thing is still blocking me: And this is my own mind that keeps spiraling down those rabbit holes again and again and again.

You know what?

I am done with it.

I have done hard shit. I have moved out of really dense toxic patterns. I will move beyond this invisible wall too – whatever it takes.

So, what am I going to do?

For the next two weeks I will MUTE the inner critic. How am I going to do that? I’m not really sure to be honest. Haha.

These are some baby steps I’m planning to take from today on for the next two weeks:

  • If I feel an urge to “act”, to create or to say something and I don’t do it, because I think “I’m not ready” (or anything along those lines), I will do it anyway.
  • If I crawl into my shell, because a wave of worthlessness is rolling over me, I will let it move on.
  • I will take the time to meditate for 30 minutes and journal in the evenings. By the end of next week I will post my update…
  • Oooh: And a hard one: I’m going to ask for help, if I happen to beat myself up for not knowing something really crucial. Because this is what the inner critic loves to do: To blame me for my lack of knowledge in certain topics, whereas the more useful step would be to ask for help…

Why I am doing this?

Honestly, those Micro Habit Challenges have been the most transformational, motivating and in this way “productive” for me… They really raise my awareness on those sweet-spots. I vividly remember my writing challenge from 2018 (or was it 2019? Will check that later.) and my “non-judgement-challenge”.

I identified the inner voice and now I’m going to change it. Easy. Let’s go.


Nothing to Prove

You have absolutely nothing to prove, because you are the only one walking your path.

Whatever you do is highly individual; highly yours.

That’s all you need to know – about yoga and maybe about life?


Boundless Creation

She moves.
She grows.
She does not stop.

She’s ourageous.
She’s here to stay.

She flows – beyond our ignorance.
She involves – if we resist her or not.
She nurtures – what is here to evolve.
She destructs – what is here to dissolve.

She does not stop where we stop.



A Moment of Truth

Total stillness.
It’s a moment of truth.
Deep surrender.
And the realization that my home is within.
Nowhere but within.


Thoughts on Resistance

The resistance that is coming up is your light.

Beneath all the anger there is the gift.

All of your unfulfillment is your gift in disguise.

Your body wants you to express this gift.

This is your purpose, wanting to come alive.

Your resistance is your body asking for devotion.

When your cells move in harmony you reach flow.

Your body can make the impossible possible.


The Freedom of no Addiction

This is a thought experiment.

Imagine you are free of any addiction.

If there is no addiction there is total freedom.

If there is no addiction there is choice.

There is the choice to direct energy deliberately and not by force.
This is the liberation of life force. The original force that moves us through our lives.

I personally have been struggling with addiction all of my life. Mainly it was the addiction to distraction that led me into toxic behavioural patterns.

Today I stop this.
Today I choose ultimate liberation.
I vow to support my higher self:

I choose creativity over distraction.
I choose focus over diversion.
I choose wellbeing over intoxication.

Uuhh, that hurts. Yes, it hurts. Once and far all – and then there is the feeling of release.

If I am not jumping from one task to the other. Where am I going? I remain with myself. Centered within my own being.

If toxins don’t inhabit my body, where is the energy distributed? Yes, equally amongst my cells.

If I move my body, if I clear tension from my muscles all of a sudden there is lightness in my whole being.

Joy instead of repression becomes my driving force.

Life takes over and I roll with it.


Love The Path

Love the path and the path loves you.