Boundless Creation

She moves.
She grows.
She does not stop.

She’s ourageous.
She’s here to stay.

She flows – beyond our ignorance.
She involves – if we resist her or not.
She nurtures – what is here to evolve.
She destructs – what is here to dissolve.

She does not stop where we stop.



From The Streams of (Un)Consciousness

There is so much to say. My synapses are numbed.

Still, I feel the pressure to share.

I want to document, because I can’t know what I’m documenting right here.

I’m trying to hold on to it. Or is it holding on to me? I’m not sure.

What I know for sure is that life is ever changing. And more and more I come to witness my own change. And more and more I accept it. I accept myself in not-knowing and in ever-transforming.

Slowly I’m re-establishing a connection with myself and with the world – mainly by connecting with myself.

I’m coming to understand that I can’t know. Do I find pleasure in not knowing?

Surely not!

What I’ve been coming to terms with is the fact that my mind has a very limited capacity. It knows what it knows and it calls it experience.

But what is experience really?

It is diving into the new of every moment.

Accordingly to cambridge dictionary it’s the process of getting knowledge or skill from doing, seeing or feeling.

So how do we get life experience?

Yes, by doing, seeing and feeling life. Not by gathering information.

Unfortunately this is all that our mind does. It gathers information to a point that makes life unrecognizable.

Life becomes a stencil of what we “know”.

As long as our lives are dictated by mind, this is the only lens we ever see through.

The joke is that we can not know life! Life doesn’t know itself, because it’s a force! It is energy!

There is nothing to know about life, because life energy is ever changing.

And we are that change. We are that life.

Nothing in life is ever as it seems. Because everything in life is constantly moving. Think about it a little longer then 3 seconds! We created concepts and stories that we call culture nowadays.

We create value but our values are rocksolid!

We are stonewalling ourselves, because we are denying the constant flow. The constant uncertainty that is the current of our life.

People, it’s time to wake up!

Shake it loose. Forget what you have learnt. Drop your expectations and let life unfold.


See Clearly

See your blocks. Face them.
Explore your emotions. Live them.
Appreciate your experience. Take it in.

Be proud of who you are. No matter what.

What’s the worst that can happen?

You might start living your life.


Let it be Hard

“I want it to be easy!” – I’m punching my pillow.

“Let it be hard!” – An internal voice releases my vigor.

Recently I’ve made some tough decisions. And for a moment I fell for the panic, the doubt and the despair…

Until I remembered:

In order to live an exceptional life we get to make exceptional decisions. Decisions no one has ever made before, because no one has ever walked in our shoes…

Decisions that move our life path away from the “crowd”.

It is tough. It brings up fears of rejection, of loss or of poverty.

But you know what?

It’s part of the game!

This is what unleashes the wild self within!

This is what strengthens our resolve!

I want to encourage you:

DO the step you are so scared of but you kept pondering for years.

MOVE where destiny is calling you.

YOU know it. No one else.

No fortune teller can tell you what to do.

Only you are in charge.

And this is not a top-to-bottom advice of some sort.

I encourage myself too with a livin’ prayer. 😉

It’s easy to talk about it.

It is freakin’ hard to WALK it!!

The path no one has walked before.

Your path.

It’s easy to learn a lot of things but actually putting them into action: this is the hard part! Yes. It is hard and it is beautiful.

It’s, without a doubt, the most satisfying thing in the world.


Respond to Life

I just had an interesting revelation about now.

To respond to life means to respond to now. 

This is what it means to take responsibility for my own life. 

For some reason I always projected responsibility outwards to some point in the future.

This caused distress in my life, because it enforces constant worry about the future. 

How will I take responsibility for my life?

What does this question actually mean?!

There is no right answer.

The moment to respond to life is now.

What can I do now? 

Everything else is projection. 

And by projecting some potential outcome into the future I’m giving away control.

And this is what I suffer from every so often….

For the past couple of days I’ve been pondering the question: “How am I in control of my life?”
The answer is: By being present! That’s it.

It is so simple. And it is such a relief….

I realized it on my walk this morning. I have neglected these walks, but this morning I understood how much it helps me to arrive. 

If I don’t arrive I will never be able to take responsibility. The phrase “taking responsibility” is actually misleading, because I can’t take responsibility. 

I can only respond to life. Now.


Your Story

Do you live your life? Or do you focus on the outcome?

The story of your life is not achievement.
It is not only adventure.
Your story is failure. It is pain. It is taking the wrong path. It is detours. It is twists and turns.
Companionship in one chapter.
Loneliness in the other.
Your story is bravery. It is torture. It is joy.

It is every choice you make.

Your story is unfolding every step of the way.

Only in the aftermath you do understand a part of its meaning.

If you focus on the goal. If you are only attached to the outcome, you will miss the whole point.

Life is in the moments….. The heavy and the light.

Life’s unfolding in ALL moments; in the dark AND in the bright….

All of it makes your story.

And this story is of significance.

You are not here to tell or to judge.

Your story is life itself. It’s us.

Do you take pride in your unworthiness? What would happen if you’d give it up? What would happen to your life if you’d take pride in your story?