The Power of Curiosity

My next post was supposed to be something else, but I feel the urge to get this message across before it vanishes in the flood of my notes.

When I drafted my first thoughts on the power of curiosity I didn’t expect that it would be such a chunk of wisdom – so simple but yet so fundamental.

The power of curiosity literally blows my mind like a hurricane.

Okay, where am I coming from with this post?

There is something I observe among ‘spiritual people’, among my friends as well as strangers I encounter – and also, retrospectively, I can witness it within myself.

A lot of ‘seekers’, ‘soul searchers’, ‘spiritual people’ or let’s say people, who are in the search for their mission, their purpose, their truth – you name it (I guess whoever is reading this can relate to one or another of these words.), are looking for THE path to take, the one answer, the one thing to do, the one discipline or practice that brings them peace or purpose or reveals the secret of happiness…

I used to squeeze myself into boxes. I used to label myself as a digital nomad, ‘alternative’, a hippy, a ‘light worker’, ‘rebellious’, a ‘soul searcher’, a ‘lost soul’, crazy, abnormal, ‘a loner’, a vagabond, a yogi,…

Luckily, life itself smashed those boxes reliably.

I had to adapt.

I had to reinvent myself over and over again.

Sometimes I grew out of these boxes like a snake is growing out of its skin.

Sometimes I had to transform within the blink of an eye.
Sometimes it was a tenacious process.

I had to learn to throw the leftovers of these boxes away instead of trying to fix them – even though I was tempted to do so…

Fortunately I was able to witness this world from different angles. This gave me the opportunity to view myself from different perspectives – countless times.

My answer to the question: ‘Who am I?’ changes constantly up to date…

I used to think that this is a bad thing. But right now – especially in ‘these times’ – but already B.C. (before corona) – it was obvious to me that all of the concepts that we erect about ourselves and about the world around us become a prison.

It’s okay to not know, because nobody knows.

And it is okay to trust into the ‘not knowing’….

It seems like we love labels so much. We love to categorize. It’s easier. I get it. We are human. It is part of our nature to (be)long to/for a tribe – our tribe.

But do we find it by putting ourselves into boxes?

I doubt it.

We love to put ourselves into boxes more than we love our individuality. But our individuality leads us to authenticity.

And our authentic self attracts the right people and the right action. It is so simple.

There is a quote that came into my mind related to the topic of curiosity:

“Sometimes a tree needs to grow deep roots in order to find the right nutrients.”

Only now I understand it’s significance fully….

A tree doesn’t follow an ideology. A tree does follow the life force. Life energy itself guides its growth.

By being preoccupied we are blocking our growth.

Ignorance won’t bring us any further.

Curiosity will!

There is something to learn from every concept. There is something to learn from every other being on this earth. There is something to learn from every life form!

Curiosity is the fuel source of our evolution.




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